Thursday, June 30, 2011

Quick Update

This past Wednesday, Katie, Christie, and I helped serve our military through Challenger Homes. There was a military appreciation day at Ft. Carson, and so we joined some others in the sno-cone and balloon tent and served over a thousand treats! Tonight, I had another double-header for DCC, and we split the pair of games, which brings our record to 10-4, a great season so far.
     Sorry there are no pictures for now, but our "film crew" forgot to take pictures at my game tonight, so most likely you'll have to wait until Saturday. If all goes as planned, tomorrow I will finish and release the stop-motion film that I've been working on this summer! It will be up on my Studio 11 blog (there's a link in the side bar), so be ready for the post!

1 comment:

  1. Nice, Nate!! It's great! Sorry I've been so absent on the posts...I'm back in the action and enjoying catching up on the adventures! Keep 'em coming! Love and miss each one of you dearly!!
