Monday, May 7, 2012

Tribe Update

These past few weeks and months, updates have been sporadic at best, so I'll do my best to relay the events and adventures of the Colorado Jarrett Tribe...

The end of school is nearing! Our official last day--for those homeschooling and attending DCC part time--is the 25th of this month. I have finals this week (thanks to my classes with leaving seniors), and Spanish will be my only subject that won't be officially finished until the last day. Although I still have the AP Language & Composition test on the 16th, I have taken the SAT and ACT. Quite a relieving feeling! The kids in AWANA, Luke through Mark, have their last night on Wednesday; they've done a fantastic job of memorizing scripture this year. 

Tonight, Katie and I were to have our last games for soccer and baseball, respectively. However, today brought in a rainy front, so God had other plans. Both games have been rescheduled for later in the week. Although we're sad to see the season over, I know that we are glad to have more free time. Plus, the men's church softball season began Saturday: Dad and I are both on one of the teams from Pulpit Rock, forming a father-son duo in the outfield. 

Elissa finishes her first semester at Moody Bible Institute soon, and she will arrive in the Springs on the 24th. The next day, Grandpa and Grandma Paige get here as well! They'll return again to Indiana, but the following trip will be to move out west to join us. With a satisfied buyer for their house, they're excited to soon live near the grandkids. 

Along with all the school and sports, we had a family trip up Pike's Peak via cog railway, met new friends, and hosted "small groups" (a relative term, as there are around 25 kids... I give an estimate because you hardly see them all in one place, sitting still enough to count). ;) 

We're already filling the calendar with summer plans; everyone is excited for both a break from school and time to see family and friends. Until our next update, have a blessed spring! 

 For the Tribe,


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