Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Update

     Happy Labor Day! I know I'm grateful for the three day weekend- 90% of Saturday, I was doing homework. Peter, Becki, and the girls left on that morning, and the majority of the kids went to drop them off, as the destination after the airport was the Denver Lego store. Katie had a softball tournament on Friday and Saturday; I'm putting up some pictures from one of her games.
      It was still dark when we got up this morning to participate in on of America's top 100 events: the ballon launching at Memorial Park. Thirty hot air balloons take off every thirty minutes, and there were some very creative designs. Fear not, I got plenty of pictures of that as well! We just had a delicious pancake breakfast, and Mom did something that is very unlike herself: we were allowed to use chocolate syrup!
      I have another soccer game on Thursday, to which we'll be taking the bus. Once I get my new jersey, I'll put up some pictures; the rest of the family will try to remember to take some pictures at one of my games. (Right, guys?) ;)
     The funny quotes of the week would be from Matthew (of course!). As we were walking closer to the park where the balloons were being launched, he told Dad that he wanted to hold one. Some people were handing out Gospel tracts, and we were talking about them while watching balloons. As the first ones began to rise into the air, Matt piped up, "What is Jesus doing with the balloons?!"
      (Haha, as I was uploading the pictures, I'm noticed a picture that has a man who appears to have two balloons stacked on his head!)

1 comment:

  1. I love the cowboy balloon!! Hope you guys have a great day off today!! Love you all!
